CTCL | Season 2 | UPDATES [Points, Stats, Announcements]



Each CTCL win this season will have 3 victory points; 0 points for a loss; 1.5 points for a tied game (Super overs are not possible in this sim).

For a knockout game, a tied game will be re-simmed.


During the course of group stage, all @CTCL teams will have the opportunity to earn a maximum of 5 bonus points. This means a team requires 5 very active forum members in its roster to advance to the knockouts this season even if they are struggling to win games tactically.

A player can earn maximum 1 bonus point per team by making 200 Posts in the main forum sections of CorneredTigers as enlisted below:

Sports Zone
Cricket Corner
CT's Editorial
Podcasts & Montages
Sports Fanatics

Tigers' Lair
Miscellaneous Topics
Video Games
Members Interviews

Tiger Response
Updates & Suggestions
Support & Queries

  • Commentary Threads will not be included in the Post Count (threads in the Cricket Repository)
  • @Moderator will be strict to remove or merge any irrelevant posts or deliberate attempts to increase post count


Not just the activity in the main forum can earn your team rewards, but your activity in the CTCL match threads can benefit you and your team too this season.
CTCL Season 2 will have player boosts which can be acquired for your next match by posting actively in your current match thread.

With one boost, you can increase your batting or bowling ability by +1.

For every 50 relevant posts in the match thread, a player will earn 1 boost (max of 2 boosts per player per match)

  • Boosts won by a player can be applied only to that player and cannot be used for any other player in the team
  • Boosts can only be applied in your next match and cannot be carried forward for any future games
  • A player can only win boosts by posting in his own team's current match thread and not any other thread
  • For all-rounders, you can inform the simmer which ability(s) to increase when posting lineup in the team PM.
  • If player already has an ability of 9 or 10, he would be able to apply the extra boost for his other facet i.e. batting in case of bowlers and vice versa
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Haanji. A bit late. The problem is my schedule. Combining forums with school, family and other activities are tough.

Thanks for the effort bro, what you pulled off in the last hour was magnificent. Khair atleast it counts for a much bigger reward InshaAllah ā˜ŗļø
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