CTCL | Ramzan Series | Sign ups

Introducing for the first time, CTCL Ramzan Series.​

22 CT players, 2 ODI teams, Best of 3 Matches, 1 game every weekend.​

This is for pure banter, so SIGN UP now!​

We need 2 captains who will compile their own CTCL teams for this Best of 3 ODI Series.​


  1. Munna
  3. Giantsmm
  4. Kaleem
  5. Fireworks11
  6. Mohsin
  7. Choi Saab
  8. PakistanZ
  9. Samkk
  10. Inswinger
  11. Starboy
  12. Prince Pathan
  13. Professor
  14. Express Pace
  15. Mueez
  16. Mofresh23
  17. Square Drive
  18. Patriot
  19. Saiyan0321
  20. Zkhan
  21. Augustus
  22. Cani
Whatever, this is for fun.....

I AM IN!!!!

rising up the undertaker GIF by WWE

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