AR coach Rana Naveed Ul Hasaan expects better bowling showing

After a fluke win by the loose motions, Head coach and maalishwala of @CTCL - Anmol Ratan was seen working with the youngster pacers in the nets to improve the bowling performance against the @CTCL - White Washers

In this video, it could be concluded that rana saab still has long hair mA, and his knowledge of fast bowling is unmatched, unparalleled. mashaAllah

"Upon informing the bowlers to jump more, choi saab told me that every time he jumps his man ****s jump too, so I have given hi some tips. This wasnt important for me to share with the media, but I will anyway"

"The boys became too complacent, but after our net session I think the boys will come good. Plus @Choi Saab is getting a very long maalish with ghee tonight, so that will work wonders"
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@MoFresh23 and @Express Pace seen taking full advantage of head coach Rana maalishwala ul Hasan services.

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